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XI Brazilian Meeting on Chemical Ecology
Dear Colleagues,
The Organizing Committee is pleased to let you know that the XI Biannual Brazilian Meeting on Chemical Ecology will be held at Federal University of Alagoas, Maceio, Alagoas State, at the coast of the northeast of Brazil from 23 to 26 October 2019.
The Brazilian Meeting on Chemical Ecology will be held for the first time at Federal University of Alagoas and the conference will take place at the Hotel Conference Center at Jatiuca beach.
The main purpose of the XI BMCE is to bring together renowned specialists, esearchers and students from all over the world and professionals from agriculture and livestock to discuss and exchange their views and experiences, aiming to bring solutions to agricultural, livestock, medical and environment problems.
Thus, the XI Brazilian Meeting on Chemical Ecology (BMCE or in Portuguese “Encontro Brasileiro de Ecologia Química” – EBEQ will address the following topics: The Chemical Ecology of Host and Mate Selection, Application and Manipulation of Plant Volatiles for Crop Protection, Natural Product Application in Insect Pest Control, Metabolomics and Proteomics in Chemical Ecology, Biosynthesis of Secondary Metabolites in Chemical Ecology, Ecology, Biology and Chemistry of Pheromones and Application of Chemical Ecology. We look forward to joining you for the XI BMCE. We will be periodically posting news and reports about the event and indicate the website www.evento.ufal.br/ebeq2019 for consultation. This site is still under construction and, as we have updates, they will be posted. The program of XI BMCE will feature short communications, posters and plenary lecturers and we expect to have an excellent meeting in Maceio.
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in a meeting of high standards in Maceio, a city worth visiting and discovering. Please encourage your students to submit abstracts for poster and oral communication. Please send to us the abstracts of your presentation, we will be pleased to see you at the meeting.
Please, feel free to contact us for any questions you might have. For a quick answer please use the email address: aegs@ceca.ufal.br and xiebeq.al@gmail.com We are looking forward to welcoming you in Maceio. Please check our homepage regularly for updates.
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Antonio Euzébio Goulart Santana
Federal University of Alagoas - UFAL
Center for Agrarian Sciences - Research Laboratory on Natural Resources
Rua Lourival de Melo Mota, S/N, Tabuleiro do Martins,
Maceió - AL, Brazil CEP: 57072-970
Local: Maceió
Período: 23/10/2019 a 26/10/2019
Data: 01/09/2019